
Windows10Dark.GTKthemebasedontheappearanceofWindows10usingtheincludeddarkmode.Preview.,2023年6月19日—深色模式是使用者的個人化設定,可讓他們表達喜好設定,無論應用程式是否支援深色或淺色模式中的設定。,Windows11Windows10Windows7.Athemeisacombinationofdesktopbackground...DownloadCzechWintertheme·DownloadDanubeSunsetstheme·DownloadDark ...,Themewallpapers·DarkThemescreenshot#16·DarkThemescreenshot#1...


Windows 10 Dark. GTK theme based on the appearance of Windows 10 using the included dark mode. Preview.


2023年6月19日 — 深色模式是使用者的個人化設定,可讓他們表達喜好設定,無論應用程式是否支援深色或淺色模式中的設定。

Desktop Themes

Windows 11Windows 10Windows 7. A theme is a combination of desktop background ... Download Czech Winter theme · Download Danube Sunsets theme · Download Dark ...

Dark Windows 1110 Theme

Theme wallpapers · Dark Theme screenshot #16 · Dark Theme screenshot #1 · Dark Theme screenshot #2 · Dark Theme screenshot #3 · Dark Theme screenshot #4 · Dark ...

5 dark mode upgrades for your Windows 10 or 11 PC

2024年2月7日 — On a Windows 11 PC, click “Choose your mode” and select “Dark.” On a Windows 10 PC, click “Choose your color” and select “Dark.” You can get to ...

The Best Windows 10 Dark Themes for Your Eyes

The Best Windows 10 Dark Themes for Your Eyes · 1. Windows 10 Dark Theme · 2. GreyEve · 3. Penumbra 10 · 4. Nocturnal W10 · 5. Ades Theme · 6. Hover Dark Aero.

How to Enable Dark Mode and Set Accent Colors in Windows 10

To enable dark mode, navigate to Settings > Personalization > Colors, then open the Choose your color drop-down menu and pick Dark. Dark (and Light) mode changes the look of the Windows Start menu and built-in apps. You can also choose Custom if you

Dark Theme For Windows 10

2023年11月13日 — Dark Theme - the name of the theme is as simple as the theme itself. As you may have guessed, this is a strict dark theme for Windows 10.